There are 3 factorys in the map.
They are in France, Chad and Iran.
You can use the 3 factories to craft vehicles, weapons and materials.
The crafting can take anywhere from 1 up to 10 minuts.
You can use the factory by putting the materials in the itemframes and press the start button,
you will then see a timer on the right side of the machine.
When the crafting is done your crate is droped on the right side off the machine.
Material list:
5x Stainless Steel Ingots
Material list:
8x Stainless Steel Ingots
Material list:
7x Stainless Steel Ingots
Material list:
4x Stainless Steel Ingots
Material list:
2x Copper Ingot
1x Gold Ingot
Material list:
2x Stainless Steel Ingots
2x Titanium Ingot